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May 2014

Welcome to the National Visas May 2014 newsletter.

In this edition we would like to introduce you to our featured service; "Visa Advantage". We also provide current information about Australian visas as well as giving you our 'hot tip' for the month, success stories and a profile of our featured registered migration agent; Esther Taft.

We hope you find the newsletter interesting!

Visa Advantage Service
Have you had a visa refused, cancelled or advised by the Department of an intention to cancel a visa? Applying for visas can be complicated. Many people recognise that they need professional help to lodge their application but don't want to purchase the Premier Service. The Visa Advantage Service is a cost effective way to assist people to self-manage and submit their own visa application using our professional guidance.

With the Visa Advantage Service a Registered Migration Agent reviews your profile, prepares a personalised Visa Guide based on your situation and provides ongoing assistance to help you self-manage your application. The service includes access to advice and assistance for a 90 day period (3 months).
More information can be found here.
Partner Visa
Australian Parent Visas - Why do you want a family visa for Australia? There are various types of partner visas for Australia. If you do not understand the details of these visas it can be very confusing to determine the appropriate visa for your situation because there are so many choices and eligibility factors to consider.

For example, some people who are engaged to their partner may be better off going for a 'De Facto' visa because it is more beneficial than the 'Prospective Marriage' visa. Issues with New Zealand citizen sponsors can be complex too, as can understanding wider issues such as using visitor visas during partner visa processing.

You can start the process by taking a Free Online Assessment. Once you purchase a service we will make sure that we proceed with the best visa for your situation.
Take the free online assessment here.
Partner Visas - Migration Agent Article
Reunite your family in Australia This article is written by Esther Taft, one of our registered and experienced migration advisors.

The focus of my last article was the Prospective Marriage Visa (subclass 300), which may be appropriate for you if you are at least 18 years of age, in a relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident and you intend to come to Australia to marry your partner.

However, there may be other partner visa options which are better suited to your circumstance. For example, if you are in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident (or an "eligible New Zealand Citizen") and do not have any intention of getting married, the partner visa may be more appropriate for you. Similarly, if you are married to an Australian citizen or permanent resident and wish to come to Australia to live the partner visa may be a more appropriate visa option to consider.

This article is in two parts:
Read part 1 here
Read part 2 here
Recognised Graduate (Skilled Temporary) Visa
Let a professional handle it This article is written by Alfonso Varela, our resident Skilled Visa expert.

Engineering Professionals are amongst the most highly sought after professionals in Australia. The Australian government recognises their contribution to our society and their value as highly trained professionals with a visa specifically designed for them.

The Skilled – Recognised Graduate Visa (subclass 476) allows recent engineering graduates (from certain universities and programs) to gain up to 18 months of skilled work experience in Australia. How good is that?
Read the full article here.
Skilled lists have more occupations than you may realise
Fewer documents required for student visas Many people who would like to apply for skilled migration or employer sponsored visas think that they are not eligible because they cannot find their occupation on the list. What many people are not aware of is that there are actually two occupations lists. Beyond these two lists there are even more occupations available if you are being sponsored by an employer in 'regional Australia'.
Read the full article here.
Australia and New Zealand need more skilled migrant workers
Australia and New Zealand continue to need more skilled migrant workers who can fill the skills gaps in their growing industries. According to the global company Anglo Pacific, Australia and New Zealand "are moving into more positive economic climates," proven by the construction boom in both countries.
Read the full article here.

‘Hot Tip’ for May:

Don't travel outside Australia until you know what you are doing!

In certain circumstances, if you are in Australia as the holder of a valid visa and you make an application for another visa, you can be granted what is called a Bridging Visa "A" (BVA). The BVA enables you to remain lawfully in Australia while your visa application is being processed. You cannot travel out of Australia on a BVA. If you travel outside Australia your BVA may cease, so you may have no 'right of re-entry' into Australia.

Before travelling book a Skype consultation to discuss your situation.

Esther Taft

Migration Agent
Registered Migration Agent Number (MARN): 1276126
Vera Mom (MARN): 1383344

Esther has held a long term interest in the Australian migration advice industry, and on recent completion of the Graduate Certificate in Migration Law and Practice at Victoria University is thoroughly enjoying working in the constantly evolving area of Migration Law. Her areas of focus include Employer Sponsored, Skilled Migration, and Partner visas.

Success Stories

Good afternoon Esther,

I would just like to thank you for your help with getting this organised, the information and the manner it was given was very much appreciated (I was anticipating a complicated situation and you made it directly the opposite!!) Anyway not sure if you get much feedback in your industry but I felt it appropriate to pass on my sentiments.

Read the full testimonial here.

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